landing mat — noun : a mat of metal mesh or interlocking pierced steel planking used for making quickly assembled all weather airplane runways * * * landing mat, a mat of meshed steel that can be joined to others to form a smooth landing surface for aircraft… … Useful english dictionary
landing mat — dirbtinis tūpimo takas statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Surenkamas kilnojamasis takas, kurio dalys gali būti greitai sujungtos ir gaunamas avarinis kilimo ir tūpimo takas ar išlaipinimo vieta krante. atitikmenys: angl. landing mat pranc.… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
landing mat — išlaipinimo vieta statusas T sritis Gynyba apibrėžtis Surenkamas kilnojamasis takas, kurio dalys gali būti greitai sujungtos ir gaunamas avarinis kilimo ir tūpimo takas ar išlaipinimo vieta krante. atitikmenys: angl. landing mat pranc. grille… … NATO terminų aiškinamasis žodynas
landing mat — A prefabricated, portable mat so designed that any number of planks (sections) may be rapidly fastened together to form surfacing for emergency runways, landing beaches, etc … Military dictionary
Mat (gymnastics) — For other uses, see Mat (disambiguation). Mats are used for safety in gymnastics, and in training new skills. They are usually a piece of foam ranging from 1.5 28 inches thick, covered in a vinyl or plastic lining. The foam ranges in density … Wikipedia
mat — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) n. pad, rug, runner, doormat, doily. v. tangle, snarl; plait, braid, weave, entwine. See crossing, texture. II (Roget s IV) n. Syn. covering, floor covering, doormat, table runner, doily, place mat,… … English dictionary for students
mat — ► NOUN 1) a thick piece of material placed on the floor and used as protection from dirt or as a decorative rug. 2) a piece of resilient material for landing on in gymnastics or similar sports. 3) a small piece of material placed on a surface to… … English terms dictionary
mat — I. /mæt / (say mat) noun 1. a piece of fabric made of plaited or woven rushes, straw, hemp, or other fibre, used to cover a floor, to wipe the shoes on, etc. 2. a small piece of material, often ornamental, set under a dish of food, a lamp, vase,… …
mat — mat1 noun 1》 a thick piece of material placed on the floor and used as protection from dirt, for wiping the feet on, or as a decorative rug. ↘a piece of resilient material for landing on in gymnastics, wrestling, or similar sports. 2》 a small … English new terms dictionary
MAT — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a piece of coarse material for wiping shoes on, esp. a doormat. 2 a piece of cork, rubber, plastic, etc., to protect a surface from the heat or moisture of an object placed on it. 3 a piece of resilient material for landing on in… … Useful english dictionary
mat — 1. n. & v. n. 1 a piece of coarse material for wiping shoes on, esp. a doormat. 2 a piece of cork, rubber, plastic, etc., to protect a surface from the heat or moisture of an object placed on it. 3 a piece of resilient material for landing on in… … Useful english dictionary